Our Team

Ph: 604.974.9433
Our Team 
Jessica Whidden
Jessica Whidden, BHSc.
Registered Massage Therapist & Registered TCM Acupuncturist

Jessica has been practicing massage therapy in downtown Vancouver since obtaining her diploma from WCCMT in 2005. She has a passion for education and integrated health.

Lucas Scrivener
Lucas Scrivener
Registered Massage Therapist

Lucas completed his degree in Kinesiology at the University of Victoria in 2005 and followed that up with his diploma in massage therapy from WCCMT in 2005. He believes that there is nothing ailing the body that massage therapy cannot help- from headaches to broken femurs.

Jennifer Thomas
Jennifer Thomas 
Registered Physiotherapist
Clinical Pilates

Jennifer is a Registered Physiotherapist in BC. She completed her Masters in Physiotherapy in the UK and moved back to BC after graduation. Prior to that, Jennifer completed her BSc in Biomedical Physiology locally at Simon Fraser University in 2017. 

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Bahareh  Poureslami

Registered Massage Therapist

Baha is a Registered Massage Therapist in BC, who graduated from the Vancouver College of Massage Therapy in 2024.

She found her way to the world of health care after years of absorbing in the passion of her parents, her mother a Naturopathic Doctor and Immunologist and her father a scientist.

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Greg Welwood
Greg Welwood
Registered Massage Therapist

Greg’s path to becoming a massage therapist came out of his personal need to solve chronic pain and dysfunctional movement patterns stemming from a variety of injuries sustained from years of competitive athletics.

Doh Kang RMT

Dohyun Kang

Registered Massage Therapist

Dohyun believes that the combination of manual therapy,nutrition, and exercise is essential for maintaining the optimal health of the body

and mind.

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Heidi Joy Brown
Heidi Joy Brown
Registered Massage Therapist

Heidi has been practicing massage therapy since obtaining her diploma from the Victoria campus of WCCMT in 2006. Her practice has encouraged her deep curiosity about the human body and how things are connected.  

Jenna Sborcca
Jenna Sbrocca
Registered Kinesiologist 
Private Yoga Instructor

Jenna, a Practicing Kinesiologist since 2015, obtained her 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in 2018. Her Yoga practice and training compliments her kinesiology training and allows Jenna to take a unique approach to healing and physical rehab.
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Anita Seiz

Anita Seiz

Movement Analyst and Pilates Specialist

Anita is a dancer trained in both classic and contemporary styles. As we know, dancers are athletes that train to develop long, lean muscles, incredible balance and lyrical movement.

Celeste Lyon

Celeste Lyon

Pilates Specialist

Drawing from her life as a professional dancer, Celeste Lyon has been teaching movement for over 20 years. Her expansive kinesthetic knowledge provides a safe, dynamic and empowering approach to teaching.

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