Ph: 604.974.9433
ICBC Rates and Resources 
How to Start your claim? Have Questions about the ICBC Care and treatment process?

 Rates for Treatments linked to ICBC claims 

Registered Massage Therapy - ICBC Claim 
** All Massage Therapy rates include GST

$147.00  Initial  60 minute appointment 
(131.25 covered by ICBC and Patient co-pay is $15.75)

$125.00 Follow up 45 minute appointment 
($98.70 covered by ICBC and Patient co-pay is $26.30)

TCM Acupuncture/Cupping - ICBC Claim 

$145 Initial 50 minute appointment 
($123 covered by ICBC and Patient co-pay is $22)

$135 Follow up 45 minute appointment 
($104 covered by ICBC and patient co-pay is $31)

Physiotherapy and Clinical Pilates - ICBC Claim

$175  Initial Appointment - 50 minutes ( one to one care model)
($147 covered by ICBC and Patient co-pay is $28)

$110 Follow Up Appointment -25 minutes (one to one care model) 
($93 covered by ICBC and Patient co-pay $17)

** if patients are not approved for direct billing the patient is responsible for the full cost of the treatment

Have questions? Drop us a note.
ICBC + Massage Therapy
Opening Hours
Monday to Friday    7:30am - 6:00pm

Suite 350
580 Hornby Street
Vancouver, BC
V6C 3B6

Ph. 604.974.9433
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